Paulo Luces
29 yr.old former line engineer; single; from Aklan, now residing at Libertad, Pasay; diagnosed with AML in Dec. 2010 and has been in and out of the hospital for treatment – with a total of 11 chemo cycle treatments to date.
Admitted last November for consolidation chemotherapy treatment, discharged last Dec.6. BMA test results as of Jan.13, 2014 indicated zero blast cells-complete remission.
Answered Prayers:
Thanksgiving prayers for the positive response on their family’s fundraising efforts thru the selling of Martin Nievera’s Christmas CDs. The revenue was used to pay for the BMA test; Thanksgiving prayer for Paulo’s very recent BMA test results-zero blast cells, complete remission;
Thanksgiving prayers for NIH response to their application to be an NIH-serviced patient for bone marrow transplant; Thanksgiving prayers for the Filipino communities both in California and Bethesda who offered to house and support them; Thanksgiving prayer for NIH Director, Ann Chao’s endorsement of the Luces siblings to the US Consular Officer for visa application; and Thanksgiving prayer for the direct communication of the US Consular Office to EPCALM with regards to the Luces’ visa applications.
Prayer Requests:
For a generous support from pcso to help settle the hospital bill; For the granting of a US emergency visa for Paulo, Karen(donor) and Michelle(caregiver); For continued financial help for a possible Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT), either in the form of direct donation, sponsorship of specific medical or logistical needs, or support of fundraising activities for Paulo; For a sustained remission status for Paulo all the way to BMT; For Paulo to be the 1st EPCALM serviced patient to have a successful BMT at NIH; and For the employers of the Luces siblings to keep their jobs open for them until they get back from the US.
Eden Montemayor
61 yr. old retiree; widowed in 1997, with 4 sons; residing at V. Luna, Q.C.; diagnosed of AML in Nov. 2013.
Just finished 1st treatment cycle of chemotherapy at NKTI; BMA results reflect only a 3% blast cells existence – remission status; Scheduled for consolidation chemotherapy.
Answered Prayers: Thanksgiving prayer for PCSO’s aid on the chemo drugs and 1st hospitalization; and Thanksgiving prayer for her body’s positive response to the 1st cycle treatment resulting to a remission from leukemia.
Prayer Requests:
For again a generous aid from PCSO for the consolidation chemotherapy; For a complete remission that would qualify her for a BMT; For financial provision to complete her treatment, since her only source of income is her pension as a retiree; and For provision to enable her youngest son to finish schooling since he had to quit school when Eden became a widow.
John Russel Hechorres
Just finished 1st treatment cycle of chemotherapy at UP-PGH; Awaiting BMA results.
Answered Prayers: Thanksgiving prayer that John hurdled through the 1st cycle treatment; and Thanksgiving prayer for John and his family to have received Jesus Christ while confined at the ward of the Cancer Institute, UP-PGH. Prayer Requests:
For good BMA results, if possible a remission; and For financial aid to sustain his treatment.
Doy Rosita
27yr.old casual employee of SM, Lipa, Batangas; Has a 4 yr.old daughter, diagnosed of AML in Nov. 2013.
Undergone treatment for varied infections prior to chemo treatment; just finished 1st treatment cycle of chemotherapy at UP-PGH in Dec. 2013; BMA results reflect remission; presently confined at PGH for consolidation chemo treatment this month.
Answered Prayers: Thanksgiving prayers that infections that affected him were addressed; Thanksgiving prayer for PCSO’s aid on Doy’s chemo drugs requirement for both his 1st and current treatment; Thanksgiving prayer that Doy hurdled through his 1st cycle of chemo treatment; and Thanksgiving prayer for Doy and his wife to have received Jesus Christ while confined at the ward of the Cancer Institute, UP-PGH.
Prayer Requests:
For a complete remission after this consolidation treatment; For the strengthening of his immune system against any possible future infection; and For financial aid to sustain his treatment and for the family’s provision since both doy and wife had to stop work.
Mario P. Concepcion
64 yrs. old; from Nueva Ecija, with residence also in Vergara St., Mandaluyong; diagnosed of CML in 2006; on outpatient chemo treatment.
Tatay Mario has been weak and is experiencing symptoms of influenza; Intake of medications have not been regular due to financial constraints.
Answered Prayers: Thanksgiving prayer for Tatay Mario’s attendance of the EPCALM-EMC Cancer Warriors Joint Fellowship last Dec. 14, 2013. He is now receptive to home visits by EPCALM volunteers.
Prayer Requests:
For Tatay Mario to open his heart to the gospel, for spiritual healing and for an improved relationship with his children; For financial support or sponsorship of his medications, since his treatment amounts to 1,600Php daily and could not be afforded by the family; and That Tatay Mario’s condition will remain stable despite the irregularity of intake of medications.
Consuelo Bulos
67 yr. old retiree; widow; residing at Xavierville, Q.C.; diagnosed of CLL in March, 2011.
Stopped medications after acquiring an infection – Herpes Zoster, which affected her nerve endings-subjecting her to pain and discomfort; underwent blood transfusions- both packed rbc and apharesis, in November and December due to alarming trend of dropping blood counts; had BMA test done – still with CLL.
Answered Prayers: That Tita Chit finally agreed to see a doctor again; and That BMA results reflected still a chronic status and not progressed to be an acute leukemia,
as feared by the doctor.
Prayer Requests:
For her condition to remain chronic despite the 3-yr. delay on treatment and not progress on and become acute; and For Tita Chit to overcome her apprehensions on chemo drugs and this time really go into medical treatment.
Josephine De Jesus
48 yr. old secretary; mother of two; from Q.C.; diagnosed of AML in Dec., 2013.
Underwent blood transfusions in Dec. and 1st week of Jan., 2014.
Prayer Requests:
That Josie and Leo will finally reach a solid decision to have chemo treatment; That they will be able to finally decide on who will be her attending hematologist and which hospital she will have her treatment; and For Josie to have the courage & overcome her qualms and anxiety; and gain a strong resolve to face the demands of her ailment.
Jocelyn Fernandez Alcaraz
Mother of an 8 yr. old child; from Carcar, Cebu; diagnosed of in 2013.
Was confined in Cebu Doctors Hospital for 6 months, just got discharged Dec. 2013; starting to be ambulatory again after being bed ridden due to leukemia-related complications; reduced blast cells after chemo treatment, but still has to undergo another treatment cycle this 3rd week of Jan.
Answered Prayers: Thanksgiving prayer that she is now able to walk after being bed ridden for a time; For the hospital to discharge them on a promissory note alone; and For the reduction of blast cells count after treatment.
Prayer Requests:
For PCSO’s financial help on the hospital bill; For PCSO’s grant of chemo drugs for the coming chemo treatment; For EPCALM to be able to help set up a fundraising campaign to help meet her medical needs and their family’s needs too; For donations for her medical and logistical needs; For provision for her daughter’s schooling – almost quit school when Jocelyn was confined for 6 months in the hospital; For her daughter’s comfort since she went through extreme loneliness after being separated from her mom for 6 months; and For a better communication link between the patient and EPCALM since the distance has been a hindrance
Sarah Moral
35 yrs. old; diagnosed with ALL last June 2011. Doctor of Medicine specializing in Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery.
Experienced a relapse last December 2013. Currently experiencing complications that is delaying her scheduled chemotherapy sessions.
Answered Prayers: Recently got engaged.
Prayer Requests:
Pray that Sarah will recover fast from her recent septic shock episode. Pray that Sarah can have her chemo sessions soon. Pray for remission after her chemo sessions so that she can go for BMT treatment.
Teresita Desquitado
59 yrs. old; from Imus, Cavite; diagnosed of APL in Nov. 2013.
Admitted at De La Salle University Medical Center for the 1st chemo cycle treatment last Nov. 22; Chemo treatment was discontinued by end of Nov. due to a continuous drop of platelet and rbc count.
Answered Prayers: The family is thankful that a foundation-EPCALM exists.
Prayer Requests:
Prayers for more blood donors in Cavite; Prayers for financial help to sustain treatment; For a good response to the chemotherapy; and For a better communication link between the patient and EPCALM since the distance has been a hindrance.
Myrlen Waniwan
No personal data yet with EPCALM.
Currently confined in Rizal Medical Center, Pasig; Still have to undergo Flow Cytometry Test to confirm diagnosis of leukemia
Prayer Requests:
Financial support for diagnostic tests, blood transfusions and probable chemotherapy.
Tarhata Enrile
35 yr. old single parent; OFW in Japan as a teacher for the past 10 years; diagnosed with AML in 2012.
Undergone BMT in Japan; undergoing post-op care.
Answered Prayers: For having weathered thru all chemo treatments; For having finally undergone a BMT in Japan; and For all the financial support her friends were able to raise thru a social networking site.
Prayer Requests:
For a complete medical recovery for Tara; For Tara and her daughter to finally be reunited and move on to a normal life; and For sustained good health – free from complications.
– no info details yet, but also diagnosed with leukemia;
– seeking assistance for the treatment.
26 yrs. old; single; from Malunay, Quezon; diagnosed of AML in 2012.
Had his check up at UP-PGH last Dec. 14, 2013 and he remains to be in remission.
Answered Prayers: His health condition has remained stable; and He has found love- now in a relationship.
Prayer Requests:
For a sustained remission all the way to BMT; For EPCALM to be able to help him apply to NIH; For him to qualify to be an NIH-serviced patient for BMT; To find a donor for his BMT; and For sponsors to support his BMT.
No profile submitted yet to EPCALM; 70 yr. old father from Nueva Ecija, with only 1 daughter, Charisse, left to provide and take care of him.
Specific leukemia has not yet been identified; Has not undergone any treatment due to financial constraints, only blood transfusions.
Prayer Requests:
For a better communication avenue between EPCALM and the daughter, Charisse; For his other children to share the responsibility of caring for him; and For financial, medical and logistical support.
Lalaine Bonilla
46yrs. old; from Tondo, Manila; diagnosed of CML in August, 2012.
No medical update despite follow-ups.
Prayer Requests:
That EPCALM will be able to reach out to lalaine and the family spiritually; and For financial support to sustain treatment.
Dolores San Juan
From Tapi, Lupi, Cam. Sur; diagnosed in March, 2010; no other personal info yet.
Had chemotherapy in March, 2010; admitted at BRTTH BICOL REGIONAL TRAINING AND TEACHING HOSPITAL, Legazpi city last October, 2013 for fever and BMA test; BMA results indicated an acute leukemia status – no specific identitiy of the leukemia yet; no return communication since Nov., 2013.
Prayer Requests:
For financial support to sustain treatment; and For a better communication link between the patient and EPCALM since there is no other communication avenue provided.
Sarah Jean Masinas
21 years old, single, currently residing in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Currently undergoing chemo in Abu Dhabi.
Prayer Requests:
Pray that Sarah will go back into remission so that she can have her repeat BMT; and Pray that she will continue to have strength to carry on her battle against Leukemia.