This is an urgent call for your prayers and FAITH in ACTION for all those with a heart to help our sick brothers and sisters in Christ.
Leukemia Patients Arlene Bismanos, Paolo Luces and Michelle Cuajotor are now in a state of relapse. They need our prayers, support and financial help for chemotherapy and needed procedures like bone marrow biopsy. Thank you for your caring hearts and helping hands for the sick. Be blessed as you help them for our Lord who reigns as The Hope, The Healer and The Provider, and sees every little thing that we do.
We implore upon you to be a channel of God’s Love for these our sick brethren, through the EPCALM ADULT LEUKEMIA FOUNDATION OF THE PHILIPPINES. If you want to help, please call the EPCALM Hotlines: (+63) 919-955-6149 (Smart) / (+63) 905-928-9896 (Globe), or visit to know more about these patients and the various ways that you can be of help to them through EPCALM’s three arms of service.
If you wish to make an immediate donation, please click on the donate button found on this page.