In line with the vision of the Foundation to develop the bayanihan spirit in helping leukemia patients, EPCALM is launching a community fund raiser on December 19, 2010 for leukemia patient Karen Pajarillaga.
The event entitled “EPCALM for Karen” will be a half-day affair of speeches, fun, food, games and rummage sale items. The event will be held in Karen’s community in BF Homes, Paranaque. EPCALM volunteers will be going house to house to solicit rummage sale items that will be In line with the vision of the Foundation to develop the bayanihan spirit in helping leukemia patients, EPCALM is launching a community fund raiser on December 19, 2010 for leukemia patient Karen Pajarillaga.
Event details will be further announced once proper coordination has been made with the BF Home Owners Association.